Comparison with other UI Kits

UIKit was created with the best possibilities of current conditions in mind. Let's compare UIKit with popular DX libraries.

Total DX Lib
TheNormalnij's DxGUI

Performance-driven next generation source code

Spaghetti-style complex structure

Outdated project in a modern structure

Table-based spaghetti code structure

Component structures are compatible with web components and offer design flexibility

Component structures are limited and have no design system

Component structures are limited and have no design system

Component structures are limited and have no design system

Offers limited components with the most detailed options

Provides a rich component library

Features several limited componenti, not actively being developed

Features several limited componenti, not actively being developed

Only works on OOP basis

There are two types of API options

There are two types of API options

Export is not supported

Its flexible structure makes it much easier to develop multiple components. Simple and easy API

Developing a new component can get you lost in the project


UIKit has been developed according to the needs of the modern MTA:SA community.

Last updated